Takahiko Kameyama

Takahiko Kameyama

Program-Specific Associate Professor

Specialty field:UEHIRO Research Division, History of Japanese Thought and Culture, Buddhist Studies

Takahiko Kameyama mainly examines a large amount of Buddhist and religious scriptures (shōgyō 聖教) which have been inherited in multiple Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines in Japan and attempts to reveal the foundational characteristics of Japanese thought and culture. He discusses its significance in the comprehensive history of Japanese philosophy and society. Specifically, Kameyama focuses on the doctrine and rituals of Shingon and Tendai Esoteric Buddhism which were transmitted by Kukai, Saicho, and Annen, founders of these Buddhist traditions, in early Heian time period and discuss how these Esoteric Buddhist doctrine and rituals were significantly developed after them, especially during medieval time period.

E-Mail: kameyama.takahiko.4w*kyoto-u.ac.jp
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BA, Economics, Faculty of Economics, Kagawa University
MA, Buddhist Studies, Faculty of Letters, Ryukoku University
Ph.D., Buddhist Studies, Faculty of Letters, Ryukoku University
Exchange Student, Institute of Buddhist Studies
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Buddhist Studies
Adjunct Instructor, Ryukoku University
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Research Canter for Buddhist Cultures in Asia
Researcher, Kokoro Research Canter (currently, Institute for the Future of Human Society), Kyoto University
Program-Specific Associate Professor, UEHIRO Research Division, Institute for the Future of Human Society, Kyoto University


・Kameyama Takahiko. 2023. Heianki mikkyō shisō no tenkai: annen no shinnyoron kara kakuban no shintairon e. Kyoto: Rinsen shoten.

・Enomoto Wataru, Kameyama Takahiko, Yoneda Mariko, eds. 2021. Chūsei zen no chi. Kyoto: Rinsen shoten.

・Kusunoki Junshō, Noro Sei, Kameyama Takahiko, eds. 2020. Nihon bukkyō to rongi. Kyoto: Hozokan.
Main Articles
・Kameyama Takahiko. 2023. “The Background of the Mandala of the Nine Syllables in the Gorin kuji myo himitsu shaku.” Indogaku bukkyōgaku kenkyū 71-3.

・Kameyama Takahiko. 2021. “The Red and White Drops and ‘Wrong Views’ in the Konkō shō: The Significance of the Sexual and Embryological Discourses in Early Modern Shingon Buddhism.” Indogaku bukkyōgaku kenkyū 69-3.

・Kameyama Takahiko. 2020. “The Doctrinal Origins of Embryology in the Shingon School.” Japanese Journal of Religious Studies vol.47-1.

・Kameyama Takahiko. 2018. “Chikotsu Daies View on the Inherent Existence (honnu): An Analysis of Its Relationship with the Sangen menju.” Indogaku bukkyōgaku kenkyū 66-3.

・Kameyama Takahiko. 2017. “Medieval Shingon Buddhist Monks’ Acceptance of the Esoteric Buddhist Scriptures Translated in the Song Dynasty: An Analysis of Gōhō’s Acceptance of the Newly Translated Esoteric Sutras.” Indogaku bukkyōgaku kenkyū 65-3.