Yoshiyuki Ueda

Yoshiyuki Ueda

Associate Professor

Specialty field:Visual Science, Cognitive Science

Our behavior consists of a lot of conscious and unconscious basic mechanisms. For example, when you take a cup on a table, your brain recognizes the shape and location of it and calculates how you should reach for it. Moreover, when you wait for a friend in downtown, you search for them among crowd of people, infer their emotion from their facial expression and gesture, and decide what to call to them. How these mechanisms are achieved and acquired? Do they interact with each other? To reveal these problems, I investigate “attention,” “emotion,” and “cognition” mechanisms with behavioral experiments, eye movement recording, functional brain activity, genetic polymorphisms, cultural difference, and integration of cross-modal information.

E-Mail: ueda.yoshiyuki.3e*kyoto-u.ac.jp
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B.A., Faculty of Integrated Human Studies, Kyoto University
M.S., Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University
Research Fellowship (DC1), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Completed Ph.D program, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University
Research Fellow, Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto University
Program-Specific Assistant Professor, Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto University
Program-Specific Senior Lecturer, Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto University
Program-Specific Senior Lecturer, Kyoto University Institute for the Future of Human Society



日本マインドフルネス学会第4 回大会最優秀研究賞
日本マインドフルネス学会第3 回大会最優秀研究賞
日本マインドフルネス学会第3 回大会最優秀ポスター発表賞
第2 回作業療法神経科学研究会学術集会奨励賞基礎研究部門

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Vision Sciences Society
Psychonomic Society
Society for Neuroscience
2018. 日本認知心理学会第16回大会プログラム委員
2016. 31st International Congress of Psychologyプログラム委員
2012.3.~現在 日本心理学会 「注意と認知」研究会 運営委員
国際学会 口頭発表
Saito, S., Ueda, Y., Huang, T.-R., Yeh, S.-L. “Statistical learning and perception: An integrated framework for visual and language domains,” The 3rd National Taiwan University?Kyoto University International Symposium “Cognitive Neuroscience: Socio-Cognitive Neuroscience on Understanding Self, Others, and Objects,” Taipei, Taiwan. 2018.3.
Ueda, Y. “Visual processing develops in response to cultural factors,” The 11th International Conference on Cognitive Science, Taipei, Taiwan. 2017.9.
Ueda, Y. “Visual experience modulates perception, attention, and preferences,” Kyoto University?National Taiwan University International Symposium “Social Cognitive Biology on Representation of Environment.” Kyoto, Japan. 2016.7.
Ueda, Y. “The memory of ensemble mean is better for peripheral than perifoveal objects.” International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Granada, Spain. 2016.5.
Saiki, J., Ueda, Y., Chen, L., Kopecly, J., Rensink R.A., Meyer, D., & Kitayama, S., Cultural differences in visual search with culturally neutral items. Vision Sciences Society 13th Annual Meeting, Naples, USA. 2013.5.
Ueda, Y. & Saiki, J., Two different visual encoding strategies in intra- and inter-modal 3-D object recognition. Vision Sciences Society 9th Annual Meeting, Naples USA, 2009.5.
Watabe, M., Ueda, Y., Masumoto, G., & Hashimoto, K., Multi-game approach: evolution of linked game strategies in social and prisoners’ dilemmas. The 20th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Kyoto, 2008.6.
Watabe, M. & Ueda, Y., Evolution of Linked Game Strategy and a Sanctioning to Free-riders in Public Goods: A Computer Simulation Study. New Directions in Political-Economic Experiments and Behavioral Research, Amsterdam, 2006.10.
国際学会 ポスター発表
Higuchi, Y., Ueda, Y., & Saiki, J. “Variability influences generalization in implicit learning of spatial configurations,” Vision Sciences Society 18th Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, USA. (Accepted)
Tsai, C.-C., Chien, S.-E., Ueda Y., Saiki, J., & Yeh, S.-L. “Effect of blue light on visual search,” The 3rd National Taiwan University?Kyoto University International Symposium “Cognitive Neuroscience: Socio-Cognitive Neuroscience on Understanding Self, Others, and Objects,” Taipei, Taiwan. 2018.3.
Ueda, Y. “Adoptive procedure training succeeds in facilitating cognitive control,” Psychonomic Society’s 58th Annual Meeting, British Columbia, Canada. 2017.11.
Ueda, Y. “Visual ensemble perception is not invariant across object types,” Vision Sciences Society 17th Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, USA. 2017.5.
Ueda, Y. “Accuracy of ensemble summary of facial expressions,” Psychonomic Society’s 57th Annual Meeting, Boston, USA. 2016.11.
Sanders, J. G., Minemoto, K., Ueda, Y., Yoshikawa, S., & Jenkins, R. “Other-raceeffect in hype-realistic mask detection: a new challenge for facial identification,” 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan. 2016.7.
Ueda, Y. “Simultaneous perception of multiple facial expressions and their personal traits,” 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan. 2016.7.
Ahmed, L., Ueda, Y., & Saiki, J. “Facial expression processing: The effect of culture and cognitive load,” 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan. 2016.7.
Ichimura, K., Ueda, Y., & Kusumi, T. “Influence of self-ranking-feedback on learning performance and task motivation,” 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan. 2016.7.
Fujino, M., Ueda, Y., Mizuhara, H., Saiki, J., & Nomura, M. “How do focused attention meditation and open monitoring meditation regulate the default mode network activity?” 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan. 2016.7.
Ueda, Y., Kamakura, Y., & Saiki, J. “Vanishing points attract eye movements during visual search,” Vision Sciences Society 16th Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, USA. 2016.5.
Kumakiri, S., Ueda, Y., & Saiki, J. “The effect of saliency and ensemble in visual search,” Vision Sciences Society 16th Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, USA. 2016.5.
Higuchi, Y., Ueda, Y., & Saiki, J. “Flexible implicit learning of variable spatial configurations,” 2016 annual meeting of Korean Society for Cognitive and Biological Psychology, Jeju-do, Korea. 2016.1.
Ueda, Y. “Visual summary and the mere exposure effect,” Psychonomic Society 2015 Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA. 2015.11.
Kanaya, K., Ueda, Y., Tochiya, H., & Yokosawa, K. “Factors mediating the correspondence between unfamiliar faces and voices,” Psychonomic Society 2015 Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA. 2015.11.
Watabe, M., Ueda, Y., Kato, T. A., Shinada, M., & Yamagishi, T. “Gender difference in the performance of cheater-detection in social exchange: An eye-tracker study,” Society for Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA. 2015.10.
Ueda, Y., Kikuno, Y., Yamamoto, H., & Saiki, J. “Inferior parietal lobules plays an important role in individual differences in executive function: a study with fMRI and SNP,” Society for Neuroscience 2015 Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA. 2015.10.
Higuchi, Y., Ueda, Y., & Saiki, J. “Variability induces generalization in implicit learning of spatial configuration,” Satellite symposium of the 38th annual meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Kyoto, Japan. 2015.8.
Fujino, M., Ueda, Y., Mizuhara, H., Saiki, J., & Nomura, M. “Effects of two types of Mindfulness Meditation on brain functional connectivity,” Mind and Life Summer Research Institute 2015, New York, USA. 2015.6.
Ueda, Y., Kurosu, S., & Saiki, J. “Intensity of visual search asymmetry depends on physical property in target-present trials and search type in target-absent trials,” Vision Sciences Society 15th Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, USA. 2015.5.
Higuchi, Y., Ueda, Y., & Saiki, J. “Variability during learning facilitates generalization in contextual cueing,” Vision Sciences Society 15th Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, USA. 2015.5.
Kanaya, K., Ueda, Y., Tochiya, H., & Yokosawa, K. “The correspondence between neutral voice and face is mediated by common perceptual properties.” Vision Sciences Society 15th Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, USA. 2015.5.
Ueda, Y., Kikuno, Y., Yamamoto, H., & Saiki, J., “Higher affinity state allele variants in DRD 4 and CHRNA 4 lead to increased executive attention and related brain activations,” Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, USA. 2014.11.
Ueda, Y., & Yoshikawa, S. “Perceived dominance of facial expression.” British Academy Early Career Networking Event “The Mind across Culture,” University of York, U.K. 2014.8.
Ueda, Y., Nunoi, M., Ichimura, K., Shirasuna, Y., & Fujino, M., “Saccade trajectories are immediately curved in accordance with the degree of threat from task-irrelevant stimuli,” Vision Sciences Society 14th Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, USA. 2014.5.
Ueda, Y., Chen, R., Cramer, E., Rensink, R., & Saiki, J., “Cultural differences in visual search with items defined by higher-order features,” The 54th of Annual Meeting of Psychonomic Society, Toronto, Canada. 2013.11.
Ueda, Y., & Komiya, A., Viewing cultural scenery afford culture-specific visual attention. Vision Sciences Society 13th Annual Meeting, Naples, USA. 2013.5.
Higuchi, Y., Ueda, Y., Ogawa, H., & Saiki, J., Task sets determine implicitly learned stimulus information in spatio-temporal contextual cueing. Vision Sciences Society 13th Annual Meeting, Naples, USA. 2013.5.
Ueda, Y., & Yoshikawa, S., Task-irrelevant Happy Faces Facilitate Visual Search Performance. 43rd NIPS International Symposium “Face Perception and Recognition”, Okazaki, Japan. 2012.11.
Yoshikawa, S., & Ueda, Y., Perceived Dominance of Facial Expression in Face-to-Face Scenes. 43rd NIPS International Symposium “Face Perception and Recognition”, Okazaki, Japan. 2012.11.
Yoshikawa, S. & Ueda, Y., S., Smile wins: Perceived Dominance of Facial Expression in Face-to-face Confrontation Science. 24th Annual Convention of Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, 2012.5.
Nunoi, M., Ishida, A., Ueda, Y. & Yoshikawa, S., Face-toface situation enhances positive facial expression rather than videophone situation. 24th Annual Convention of Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, 2012.5.
Ueda, Y., & Yoshikawa, S., Task-irrelevant Happy Faces Facilitate Visual Search Performance. Vision Sciences Society 12th Annual Meeting, Naples, USA. 2012.5.
Higuchi, Y., Ogawa, H., Ueda, Y., & Saiki, J., Object identities facilitate response to a target in spatio-temporal contextual cuing. Vision Sciences Society 12th Annual Meeting, Naples, USA. 2012.5.
Higuchi, Y., Ogawa, H., Ueda, Y., & Saiki, J., Mechanisms of implicit learning of visual event sequences investigated by eye movement. 10th Tsukuba International Conference on Memory, Tokyo, 2012.3.
Komiya, A., & Ueda, Y., Cultural adaptation of visual attention: An eye movement study. Cultural Psychology Pre-conference at 10th Annual Meeting of Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, 2012.1.
Ueda, Y. & Yoshikawa, S., Task-irrelevant happy faces enhance processing speed in visual search task. 23th Annual Convention of Association for Psychological Science, Washington DC, 2011.5.
Ueda, Y. & Saiki, J., Eye movement transition depending on tasks and stored information in 3-D object recognition. Vision Sciences Society 10th Annual Meeting, 43.309, Naples USA, 2010.5.
Ueda, Y. & Saiki, J., Different fixation distribution associated with strategies for intra- and inter-modal 3-D object recognition. The 49th of Annual Meeting of Psychonomic Society, 4003, Chicago, 2008.11.
Ueda, Y. & Saiki, J., Different leraning strategies in intra- and inter-modal 3-D object recognition tasks revealed by eye movements. 9th of International Multisensory Research Forum, Humburg, 108, 2008.7.
Ueda, Y. & Saiki, J., Can human transfer an object’s representation across modalities? 47th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, 3103, Houston, 2006.11.
藤野正寛・上田祥行・井上ウィマラ・大石悠貴・北川智利・野村理朗「洞察瞑想の短期介入が表情への注意バイアスを変容させる」日本マインドフルネス学会第4 回大会(早稲田大学, 東京都) 2017.12.
藤野正寛・上田祥行・水原啓暁・齋木潤・野村理朗「線条体とデフォルトモードネットワーク間の機能的結合性の違い」日本マインドフルネス学会第3 回大会(早稲田大学, 東京都) 2016.11.
Fujino, M., Ueda, Y., Mizuhara, H., Saiki, J., & Nomura, M. “The functional connectivity of the striatum during focused attention meditation.” 第39回日本神経科学大会(パシフィコ横浜,横浜市) 2016.7.
藤野正寛・上田祥行・水原啓暁・齋木潤・野村理朗「洞察瞑想が線条体をシードとした機能的結合性に与える効果―集中瞑想との比較」第2 回作業療法神経科学研究会学術集会(北海道大学,北海道)2016.7.
市村賢士郎・上田祥行・楠見孝「アナグラム課題の困難度と語彙特性の関連―ひらがな5 文字のアナグラム課題データベースの作成」日本認知心理学会第14回大会(広島大学,広島県)2016.6.
上田祥行「グループの平均表情知覚の精度」日本認知心理学会第14回大会(広島大学,広島県) 2016.6.
上田祥行・菊野雄一郎・山本洋紀・齋木潤「機能的脳イメージングと遺伝子多型解析による実行注意の個人差の解明」日本心理学会第78回大会(同志社大学, 京都市)2014.9.
藤野正寛・上田祥行・齋木潤・野村理朗「瞑想技法の違いが脳の機能的結合性に与える効果」日本心理学会第78回大会(同志社大学, 京都市)2014.9.
上田祥行「創造的思考を支えるメカニズム」企画シンポジウム“ 創造的思考・洞察的問題解決のメカニズムを探る”日本心理学会第78回大会(同志社大学, 京都市)2014.9.
Ueda, Y., Nagoya, K., Yoshikawa, S. & Nomura, M., “Observer’s Facial Expressions Affected Perceived Dominance.” 日本認知心理学会第12回大会(仙台市)2014.6.
Higuchi, Y., Ueda, Y., Ogawa, H., & Saiki, J., “Task-related information is selectively learned in spatiotemporal contextual cueing.” 日本認知心理学会第11回大会(つくば国際会議場,つくば市)2013.6.
Ueda, Y., & Yoshikawa, S., “Perceived dominance of facial expression in confrontation scenes.” 日本認知心理学会第11回大会(つくば国際会議場,つくば市)2013.6.
上田祥行「視覚と触覚を通じて形成される三次元物体の脳内表象」第15回CAPSインタラクション研究会(関西学院大学, 兵庫県) 2012.12.
矢野裕理, 内田由紀子, 上田祥行, 増田貴彦「ニート・ひきこもりリスクと表情認知の関連」日本社会心理学会第53回大会(茨城県) 2012.11.
上田祥行, 小宮あすか「文化の典型的な風景への順応による眼球運動の変化」日本心理学会第76回大会(専修大学, 神奈川県) 2012.9.
樋口洋子, 小川洋和, 上田祥行, 齋木潤「系列の潜在学習における位置とアイデンティティの役割」日本心理学会第76回大会(専修大学, 神奈川県) 2012.9.
樋口洋子・小川洋和・上田祥行・齋木潤, 時空間的な視覚情報に対する潜在学習の検討. 日本基礎心理学会第30回大会, 2L40, 横浜, 2011.12.
上田祥行・吉川左紀子, 課題非関連な情動刺激による視覚探索課題中の眼球運動の変化. 日本心理学会第75回大会, 3AM085, 東京, 2011.9.
上田祥行・吉川左紀子, 周辺視野に呈示された快刺激による視覚探索プロセスの促進. 日本基礎心理学会第29回大会, 西宮, 2010.11.
上田祥行・齋木潤, 視点依存・非依存な三次元物体の学習における眼球運動の変化. 日本心理学会第74回大会, 3AM073, 吹田, 2010.9.
上田祥行・齋木潤, 視覚と触覚を用いた三次元物体認識における物体表現形式の検討. 第1回多感覚研究会, 仙台, 2009.11.
上田祥行・齋木潤, 視覚と触覚を用いた三次元物体認識における眼球運動の時系列分析. 日本心理学会第73回大会, 1AM103, 京都, 2009.8.
上田祥行・小宮あすか, The cultural effect on attention: Findings from visual attention experiments. 日本社会心理学会第49回大会ワークショップ, 鹿児島, 2008.11.
小宮あすか・上田祥行・嶺本和沙・横尾知子・坂野逸紀・陳蕾・齋木潤, 視覚的注意の制御スタイルにおける個人差の検討. 日本心理学会第72回大会, 3AM110, 北海道, 2008.9.
上田祥行・齋木潤, 視覚と触覚を用いた三次元物体認識における眼球運動の解析. 日本心理学会第72回大会, 1AM108, 北海道, 2008.9.
大薗博記・渡部幹・上田祥行, 低コストシグナルに対するサンクションの効果. 人間行動進化学研究会第9回研究会, 口頭発表C, 神奈川, 2007.12.
上田祥行・齋木潤, 付与された課題が新奇物体の形態学習に与える影響. 日本基礎心理学会第26回大会, 1P04, 東京, 2007.12.
上田祥行・齋木潤, 触覚刺激による視知覚の変容. 京都大学グローバルCOE「心が活きる教育のための国際的拠点」拠点形成記念 公開シンポジウム「心が活きる教育に向かって」, 京都, 2007.11.
上田祥行・齋木潤, 心理学的逆相関法を用いた異種感覚間における相互作用過程の検討. 日本心理学会第71回大会, 2AM085, 東京, 2007.9.
上田祥行・齋木潤・多湖真琴, 触覚におけるテクスチャの粗さ判断に視覚情報が及ぼす影響. 日本認知心理学会第5回大会, p2-42, 京都, 2007.5.
齋木潤・北山忍・David Meyer・ 上田祥行, 視覚的注意と文化:視覚探索による検討”, 京都大学COE総括シンポジウム“心の宇宙を探索して”. 海外拠点研究-1, 京都大学, 2006.12.
上田祥行・渡部幹, ゲーム連結とサンクショニングシステム. 日本社会心理学会第47回大会, 823, 東北大学, 2006.9.
上田祥行・齋木潤, 視覚・触覚間における物体表象の転移. 日本心理学会第70回大会, 2AM105, 福岡国際会議場, 2006.11.
上田祥行・渡部幹・大谷めぐみ, ジレンマにおけるゲーム連結の進化:無条件協力戦略の役割. 人間行動進化学研究会第7回研究発表会, P14, 京都大学, 2005.12.
上田祥行・渡部幹・大谷めぐみ, ジレンマにおけるゲーム連結. 日本社会心理学会第46回大会, 377, 関西学院大学, 2005.9.
上田祥行・齋木潤・北山忍・Duffy Sean, 探索非対称性と認知様式 ~文化が与える影響と探索非対称性の生起~. 日本心理学会第69回大会, 1PM122, 早稲田大学, 2005.9.
渡部幹・上田祥行・大谷めぐみ, ゲーム連結戦略の進化. 日本人間行動進化学研究会第6回研究発表会, 0-7, 名古屋工業大学, 2004.12.
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