Masatoshi Funabashi

Masatoshi Funabashi

Program-Specific Professor

 Contemporary society and the economy are confronted with the fundamental question of sustainability beyond the conflict between capitalism and socialism: how to maintain and develop human activities within the finite environmental capacity of the Earth.  The economist Hirofumi Uzawa has proposed “Social Common Capital” as a more comprehensive social institution that is indispensable for the “stable maintenance of a wealthy economic life, excellent culture and a humanly attractive society”, by evolving the concept of social capital (Social Overhead Capital) in the face of various contemporary problems.  As faith in economic growth exposes a variety of drawbacks, attempts to move away from growth and towards a steady-state economy are still shrouded in many illusions. There is an urgent need to redefine Social Common Capital in a more general way in response to the transition of diverse social, economic and environmental conditions, and to search for the foundations of the next generation’s life-support through both academic research and social implementation.  I have been working on the scientific formulation and social implementation of Augmented Ecosystems, including Synecoculture, as a methodology for enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem functions through essential human activities. Through this research division, I aim to establish a novel concept of Natural-Social Common Capital, which is based on the combination of Augmented Ecosystems and Social Common Capital, and implement it in various parts of the world as a civilizational platform to transform the natural environment, society and economy into a sustainable form.


Bachelor (equivalent to Master) in veterinary medical sciences at the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Agriculture, Veterinary Medical Sciences (licensed veterinarian)
Master (Es Science) course at the University of Tokyo, Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences, Department of Complexity Sciences and Engineering
Centre de Recherche en Épistémologie Appliquée (CREA), École Polytechnique, France 卒業(Ph.D in physics)
Researcher at Sony Computer Science Laboratories, inc. (2023- Research Director at Transboundary Research Lab)
Visiting Senior Scientist at JAMSTEC (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
Project-specific professor, Kyoto University Research Division on Social Common Capital and the Future


Selected Publications
・M. Funabashi, “Power-law productivity of highly biodiverse agroecosystems supports land recovery and climate resilience.” npj Sustain. Agric. 2, 8 (2024). [This article explains the integrated model of physiological and ecological optima, IMPEO, which makes the theoretical foundation of Synecoculture, and shows the first evidence of adaptive diversification as the positive effect on productivity against climatic variability.]

・M. Funabashi, “Human Augmentation of Ecosystems: Objectives for food production and science by 2045.” npj Science of Food, 2018. [This perspective paper defines a novel paradigm, the anthropogenic augmentation of ecosystems, as a solution to health-diet-environment trilemma.]

・M. Funabashi, “Augmentation of Plant Genetic Diversity in Synecoculture: Theory and Practice in Temperate and Tropical Zones.” in Genetic Diversity in Horticultural Plants, Series: Sustainable Development and Biodiversity (ed. Nandwani, D. Springer, 2018).

・M. Funabashi, “Synecological farming: Theoretical foundation on biodiversity responses of plant communities” Plant Biotechnology, special issue plants environmental responses, 16.0219a

・M. Funabashi, “Living in a Hotspot of City and Biodiversity. The Case of Synecoculture.” P. 252-253. In: Mejía, M.A., Amaya-Espinel, J.D. (eds.). BiodiverCities by 2030: Transforming Cities with Biodiversity. Bogotá. Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt. 2022. 288 pages.

・M. Funabashi, “Citizen Science and Topology of Mind: Complexity, Computation and Criticality in Data-Driven Exploration of Open Complex Systems” Entropy 2017, 19, 181. [This article defines a novel concept of scientific reproducibility, namely the inter-subjective objectivity.]

・M. Funabashi, “Invariance in Vowel Systems” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137, 2892 (2015)

・M. Funabashi, “Synthetic Modeling of Autonomous Learning with a Chaotic Neural Network” International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos Vol. 25, No. 04, 1550054 (2015)

・M. Funabashi, “Network Decomposition and Complexity Measures: An Information Geometrical Approach” Entropy 2014, 16(7), 4132-4167; doi:10.3390/e16074132

・M. Funabashi, « La gestion agro-environnementale : les atouts de la synécoculture » dans les Actes du Colloque de Cerisy “Villes et Territoires Résilients” 19-26 Septembre 2017

Other related information

AERA 2021年4/19号
An Interview with Dr. Masatoshi Funabashi
SynecO, Inc.
Synecoculture Association
African Center of Research and Training in Synecoculture (CARFS)
Sony CSL Synecoculture project page
UniTwin UNESCO Complex Systems
Digital Campus e-laboratory webpage
(All publications of Synecoculture project are available)