
中井 隆介

Ryusuke Nakai




E-Mail: nakai.ryusuke.2u*kyoto-u.ac.jp


京都大学 工学部 卒業
京都大学大学院 工学研究科 博士前期課程 修了
株式会社東芝 入社
京都大学大学院 工学研究科 博士後期課程 学修認定退学
京都大学大学院 工学研究科 研究員
京都大学 再生医科学研究所 研究員
京都大学 こころの未来研究センター 研究員
中部大学生命健康科学部 助教
科学技術振興機構 革新的研究開発推進プログラム(ImPACT) PM補佐
京都大学こころの未来研究センター 特定講師
京都大学人と社会の未来研究院 特定講師
京都大学人と社会の未来研究院 特定准教授


Asayama A, Taniguchi M, Yagi M, Fukumoto Y, Hirono T, Yamagata M, Nakai R, Ichihashi N.
Reliability and validity of quantitative ultrasound for evaluating patellar alignment: A pilot study
J Orthop Sci, 2024 29(2):602-608.

Nakamoto Y, Nakamura T, Nakai R, Azuma T, Omori K
Transplantation of autologous bone marrow–derived mononuclear cells into cerebrospinal fluid in a canine model of spinal cord injury
Regen Ther. 2023 24:574-581

Fukumoto Y, Taniguchi M, Hirono T, Yagi M, Yamagata M, Nakai R, Yamada Y, Kimura M, Ichihashi N
Association of regional muscle thickness and echo intensity with muscle volume, intramuscular adipose tissue, and strength of the quadriceps femoris
Clin Interv Aging. 2023 18:1513-1521.

Taniguchi M, Fukumoto Y, Yagi M, Hirono T, Yamagata M, Nakai R, Yamada Y, Kimura M, Ichihashi N
Sitting vs. supine ultrasound measurements of the vastus medialis: correlations with MRI measurements and age considerations
J Physiol Anthropol. 2023 42(1):14.

Taniguchi M, Fukumoto Y, Yagi M, Hirono T, Yamagata M, Asayama A, Okada S, Nakai R, Kobayashi M, Ichihashi N.
A higher intramuscular fat in vastus medialis is associated with functional disabilities and symptoms in early stage of knee osteoarthritis: a case-control study
Arthritis Res Ther. 2023 25(1):61.

Chester S, Ogawa T, Terao M, Nakai R, Abe N, Brito SD.
Cortical and subcortical grey matter correlates of psychopathic traits in a Japanese community sample of young adults: Sex and configurations of factors’ level matter!
Cereb Cortex. 2022 33(9):5043-5054.

Hsu CT, Sato W, Kochiyama T, Nakai R, Asano K, Abe N, Yoshikawa S.
Enhanced Mirror Neuron Network Activity and Effective Connectivity during Live Interaction between Females.
Neuroimage. 2022 263:119655.

Fukumoto Y, Taniguchi M, Hirono T, Yagi M, Yamagata M, Nakai R, Asai T, Yamada Y, Kimura M, Ichihashi N.
Influence of ultrasound focus depth on the association between echo intensity and intramuscular adipose tissue
Muscle Nerve. 2022 66(5):568-575

Yagi M, Taniguchi M, Tateuchi H, Hirono T, Fukumoto Y, Yamagata M, Nakai R, Yamada Y, Kimura M, Ichihashi N.
Age- and sex-related differences of muscle cross-sectional area in iliocapsularis: a cross-sectional study
BMC Geriatr. 2022 22(1):435.

Nakai R, Goto K, Shima K, Kodama T, Iwata H.
Dual-phase Au-Pt alloys free from magnetic susceptibility artifacts in magnetic resonance imaging.
Magn Reson Imaging. 2022 85:19-27.

Yamashita M, Suzuki M, Kawagoe T, Asano K, Futada M, Nakai R, Abe N, Sekiyama K.
Impact of early-commenced and continued sports training on the precuneus in older athletes.
Front Hum Neurosci. 2021 15:766935

Taniguchi M, Yamada Y, Yagi M, Nakai R, Tateuchi H, Ichihashi N.
Estimating thigh skeletal muscle volume using multi-frequency segmental-bioelectrical impedance analysis.
J Physiol Anthropol. 2021 40(1):13.

Soshi T, Andersson M, Kawagoe T, Nishiguchi S, Yamada M, Otsuka Y, Nakai R, Abe N, Aslah A, Igasaki T, Sekiyama K
Prefrontal Plasticity after a 3-Month Exercise Intervention in Older Adults Relates to Enhanced Cognitive Performance.
Cereb Cortex. 2021 31(10):4501-4517.

Abe N, Nakai R, Yanagisawa K, Murai T, Yoshikawa S
Effects of sequential winning vs. losing on subsequent gambling behavior: analysis of empirical data from casino baccarat players.
International Gambling Studies 2021 21(1):103-118,

Yanagisawa K, Kashima ES, Shigemune Y, Nakai R, Abe N
Neural representations of death in the cortical midline structures promote temporal discounting
Cerebral Cortex Communications 2021 2(2):tgab013

Nakai R, Azuma T, Nakaso Y, Sawa S, Demura T
Development of a dynamic imaging method for gravitropism in pea sprouts using clinical magnetic resonance imaging system
Plant Biotechnology 2020 37(4):437-442

Matsumoto N, Nakai R, Ino T, Mitani A.
Brain activity associated with the rubber foot illusion.
Neurosci Lett. 2020 721:134820

Okuhata S, Hodaka M, Nakai R, Kobayashi T
An atlas-based whole-brain fiber-tracking method with automatic setting of an optimal starting plane in all parcels.
Journal of Neuroscience & Biomedical Engineering, 2019 1(1) 28-36

Suzuki M, Kawagoe T, Nishiguchi S, Abe N, Otsuka Y, Nakai R, Asano K, Yamada M, Yoshikawa S, Sekiyama K,
Neural correlates of working memory maintenance in advanced aging: Evidence from fMRI.
Front Aging Neurosci, 2018 10:358

Seiyama A, Osaki K, Nakai R, Matsumoto J, Yoshimura A, Yamada K
Neural bases on cognitive aspect of landscape evaluation: A study using functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience, 2018 9(4):263

電子情報通信学会技術研究報告、 2017 117(360):29-34.

Yamaguchi S, Hashimoto H, Nakai R, Takadama H
Impact of surface potential on apatite formation in Ti alloys subjected to acid and heat treatments.
Materials, 2017 10(10):1127.

Kodama T, Nakai R, Goto K, Shima K, Iwata H
Preparation of an Au-Pt alloy free from artifacts in magnetic resonance imaging.
Magn Reson Imaging. 2017 44:38-45.

中部大学生命健康科学研究所紀要、2017 13:77-80

Kajimura S, Kochiyama T, Nakai R, Abe N, Nomura M
Causal relationship between effective connectivity within the default mode network and mind-wandering regulation and facilitation.
Neuroimage. 2016 133:21-30

中井隆介、山口誠二、若槻麻里子、東 高志、高玉博朗
中部大学生命健康科学研究所紀要、2016 12: 65-72

中部大学生命健康科学研究所紀要、2016 12: 77-86

Kajimura S, Kochiyama T, Nakai R, Abe N, Nomura M
Fear of negative evaluation is associated with altered brain function in nonclinical subjects.
Psychiatry Res. 2015 234(3):362-8.

Sakai K, Nakai R, Tazoe J, Akazawa K, Yamada K
How goes the protein content of CSF affect for DWI thermometry?: Initial results of phantom and subarachnoid hemorrhage patient study.
International Journal of Complex Systems – Computing, Sensing and Control, 2015 3(2): 169-180.

KawagoeT, SuzukiM, NishiguchiS, AbeN, OtsukaY, NakaiR, YamadaM, YoshikawaS, Sekiyama K
Brain activation during visual working memory correlates with behavioral mobility performance in older adults.
Front Aging Neurosci. 2015 7:186.

Nishiguchi S, Yamada M, Tanigawa T, Sekiyama K, Kawagoe T, Suzuki M, Yoshikawa S, Abe N, Otsuka Y, Nakai R, Aoyama T, Tsuboyama T
A 12-week physical and cognitive exercise program can improve cognitive function and neural efficiency in community-dwelling older adults: a randomized controlled trial
J Am Geriatr Soc. 2015 63(7): 1355-63.

Egawa EY, Kitamura N, Nakai R, Arima Y, Iwata H
A DNA hybridization system for labeling of neural stem cells with SPIO nanoparticles for MRI monitoring post-transplantation.
Biomaterials. 2015 54: 158-67

Kitamura N, Nakai R, Kohda H, Furuta-Okamoto K, Iwata H
Labeling of islet cells with iron oxide nanoparticles through DNA hybridization for highly sensitive detection by MRI.
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2013 15; 21(22): 7175-81

中井隆介、東 高志
撮像法と画像解析法がもたらす情報 -骨格筋画像解析によるトレーニング装具と再生医療の評価法-
INNERVISION 2012 27(3):30-3

Ino T, Nakai R, Azuma T, Kimura T, Fukuyama H
Brain activation during autobiographical memory retrieval with special reference to default mode network.
Open Neuroimag J, 2011 5:14-23.

東 高志、中井隆介、渡邉 誠、茂野啓示
歯界展望、2011 117;5:795-816.

Sano K, Temma T, Azuma T, Nakai R, Narazaki M, Kuge Y, Saji H
A pre-targeting strategy for MR imaging of functional molecules using dendritic Gd-based contrast agents.
Mol Imaging Biol. 2011 13(6):1196-203.

姜 有峯, 前原正典, 金田 隆, 安達伸生, 越智光夫, 東 高志, 中井隆介, 堤 定美
1.5T-MRIを用いたDiffusion Tensor Imagingによる関節軟骨の構造異方性評価
日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌, 2010 31: 67-72.

Nakai R, Azuma T, Kishimoto T, Hirata T, Takizawa O, Hyon SH, Tsutsumi S
Development of a high-precision image-processing automatic measurement system for MRI visceral fat images acquired using a binomial RF-excitation pulse.
Magn Reson Imaging, 2010 28(4): 520-6.

Ino T, Nakai R, Azuma T, Kimura T, Fukuyama H
Gender differences in brain activation during encoding and recognition of male and female faces
Brain Imaging Behav, 2010 4(1): 55-67.

Ino T, Nakai R, Azuma T, Kimura T, Fukuyama H
Differential activation of the striatum for decision making and outcomes in a monetary task with gain and loss.
Cortex, 2010 46(1): 2-14.

Azuma T, Nakai R, Takizawa O, Tsutsumi S
In vivo structural analysis of articular cartilage using diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging.
Magn Reson Imaging, 2009 27(9): 1242-8.

Ichihara S, Inada Y, Nakada A, Endo K, Azuma T, Nakai R, Tsutsumi S, Kurosawa H, Nakamura T
Development of new nerve guide tube for repair of long nerve defects.
Tissue Eng Part C Methods, 2009 15(3): 387-402.

Azuma T, Ito J, Kutsuki M, Nakai R, Fujita S, Tsutsumi S
Analysis of the mandibular movement by simultaneous multi-section continuous ultrafast MRI.
Magn Reson Imaging, 2009 27(3): 423-33.

Ino T, Nakai R, Azuma T, Kimura T, Fukuyama H
Recognition and reading aloud of kana and kanji word: an fMRI study.
Brain Res Bull, 2009 78(4-5): 232-9.

Ino T, Nakai R, Azuma T, Tokumoto K, Usami K, Kimura T
An fMRI study of word reading and colour recognition in different quadrant fields.
The Open Neuroimaging Journal, 2008 2: 56-64.

Nakai R, Azuma T, Sudo M, Urayama SI, Takizawa O, Tsutsumi S
MRI analysis of structural changes in skeletal muscles and surrounding tissues following long-term walking exercise with training equipment.
J Appl Physiol, 2008 105(3): 958-63.

市原理司、中村達雄、稲田有史、遠藤克昭、東 高志、中井隆介、堤 定美、黒澤 尚
Peripheral Nerve, 2007 18: 237-8.

Ino T, Nakai R, Azuma T, Yamamoto T, Tsutsumi S, Fukuyama H
Somatotopy of corticospinal tract in the internal capsule shown by functional MRI and diffusion tensor images.
Neuroreport, 2007 18(7): 665-8

Jung DY, Kang YB, Tsutsumi S, Nakai R, Ikeuchi K, Sekel R
Computational evaluation of the effects of bone ingrowth on the bone resorptive remodeling after cementless total hip arthroplasty (THA).
JSME International Journal, Ser. C, 2006 49(1): 135-43.

Jung DY, Tsutsumi S, Nakai R, Ikeuchi K, Sekel R
Numerical estimation of periprosthesis resorptive bone remodeling caused by high compressive stress in relation to bony ingrowth condition.
日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌, 2005 26: 247-55.

Jung DY, Tsutsumi S, Nakai R, Ikeuchi K, Sekel R
Prediction of periprosthesis resorptive bone remodeling based on the high compressive stress on the shape of cementless acetabular cup.
日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌, 2005 26: 239-46.

Jung DY, Tsutsumi S, Nakai R, Ikeuchi K, Sekel R
Uncemented total hip replacement stem loosening after long term compressive stress application: A simulated FEA study of cortical bone remodeling.
JSME International Journal, Ser. C, 2004 47(4): 1079-85.

Kutsuki M, Tsutsumi S, Azuma T, Nakai R, Yamaguchi Y, Yoshitake K, Kikumoto R, Ito J, Inoue H
Influence of bite forces on maxillofacial morphology based on 3-D remodeling simulation.
ACTA Bioengineering & Biomechanics 2002 4: 738-739

堤 定美、中井隆介.
歯科技工、2001 29(3): 318-20.

久津木学、山口芳功、吉武一貞、中井隆介、東 高志、吉田宏昭、堤 定美、菊谷力也、伊藤 仁、林 浩二、井上博志
日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌、2001 23: 375-80.

中井隆介、吉田宏昭、東 高志、堤 定美、久津木学、菊谷力也、伊藤 仁、林 浩二、井上博志
日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会誌、2001 23: 369-73.

Suh H, Hwang YS, Kang YB, Nakai R, Tsutsumi S, Park JC
Compliance of surface modified polyurethane tubular scaffold for artificial esophagus.
Biomaterials Research, 2000 4(1): 8-12.