Japan-France Joint Symposium onNeural Dynamics and Plasticity: from Synapse to Network(神経ダイナミクスと可塑性:シナプスから神経回路まで)
日時:2012年1月12日(木)– 13日(金)9:00-17:00 (両日とも)
Date: January 12 – 13, 2012
場所:京都大学 稲盛財団記念館 3階大会議室
Place: Large Conference Hall, 3rd Floor, Inamori Center, Kyoto University
From Japan
Shigeru Shinomoto (Kyoto University Graduate School of Science)
Tomoki Fukai (RIKEN Brain Science Institute)
Jeff Wickens (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology)
Hiroyuki Ito (Kyoto Sangyo University)
Tadashi Ogawa (Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine)
Nobukazu Isomura (Tamagawa University Brain Science Institute)
Kei Watanabe (Kyoto University Kokoro Research Center)
Shintaro Funahashi (Kyoto University Kokoro Research Center)
From Korea
Min Whan Jung (Ajou University School of Medicine, Korea)
From France
David Hansel (Universite de Paris Descartes, France)
Thomas Boraud (University of Bordeaux, France)
Carl van Vreeswik (Universite de Paris Descartes, France)
Gianluigi Mongillo (Universite de Paris Descartes, France)
Arthur Leblois (Universite de Paris Descartes, France)
9:30-9:40 Introduction
Shintaro Funahashi (Kyoto University Kokoro Research Center)
第一部: Prefrontal cortex
9:40-10:20 “Prefrontal neural correlates of cognitive capacity limitation and its adaptive allocation revealed by a dual-task paradigm”
Kei Watanabe (Kyoto University Kokoro Research Center)
10:20-11:00 “Prefrontal activity during trial-and-error knowledge updating”
Tadashi Ogawa (Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine)
11:00-11:15 休憩
11:15-11:55 “Neural activity related to value-based decision making in rodent frontal cortex”
Min Whan Jung (Ajou University School of Medicine, South Korea)
11:55-12:35 “Multimodality decision making process in the cortex-basal ganglia loop”
Thomas Boraud (University of Bordeaux, France)
12:35-14:00 昼食
第二部: Synaptic mechanisms
14:00-14:40 “Intracortical mechanism of voluntary movements”
Yoshikazu Isomura (Tamagawa University Brain Science Institute)
14:40-15:20 “Balanced network model for working memory”
Gianluigi Mongillo (Universite de Paris Descartes, France)
15:20-15:40 休憩
15:40-16:20 “A bistable model of logarithmic STDP underlies working memory”
Tomoki Fukai (RIKEN Brain Science Institute)
16:20-17:00 “Some aspects of computation in cortical networks in balanced states”
David Hansel (Universite de Paris Descartes, France)
17:00-18:00 討論
第三部: Neural networks
9:30-10:10 “Correlated trial variability in cat visual cortex and the possibility of their stimulus dependences”
Hiroyuki Ito (Kyoto Sangyo University)
10:10-10:50 “Reading neuronal spike trains”
Shigeru Shinomoto (Kyoto University Graduate School of Science)
10:50-11:10 休憩
11:10-11:50 “Some aspects of computation in cortical networks in balanced states”
Carl van Vreeswijk (Universite de Paris Descartes, France)
11:50-13:30 昼食
13:30-14:10 “Plasticity and neural dynamics in the corticostriatal network”
Jeff Wickens (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology)
14:10-14:50 “Dopamine modulates information flow through the basal ganglia and regulates behavioral variability”
Arthur Leblois (Unversite de Paris Descartes, France)
14:50-16:00 討論