


一般参加 学生参加 研究者参加
開催日時:2010年5月17日(月) 16:30より
開催場所:京都大学稲盛財団記念館 3階 中会議室
話題提供:Prof. Avi Sadeh
Professor, Department of Psychology, Tel Aviv University
Director, Adler Center for Research in Child Development and
Psychopathology, Tel Aviv University, Israel
“Sleep, Neurobehavioral Functioning and ADHD in Children”
Insufficient sleep and poor sleep quality often lead to behaviors and symptoms associated with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in normal children. These symptoms include compromised neurobehavioral functioning (NBF), inattentiveness and restless behaviors. In children diagnosed with ADHD, sleep complains are very common and objective findings suggest that, in comparison to controls, children with ADHD are more likely to suffer from primary sleep disorders and excessive daytime sleepiness. This overlap between sleep and ADHD suggests that sleep problems or insufficient sleep may play a role as an underlying or exacerbating factor in the etiology of ADHD. The presentation will cover studies demonstrating: (a) the links between sleep and NBF in normal children; (b) the impact of experimental sleep manipulation on NBF in normal children; (c) studies on sleep patterns and sleep disorders in children with ADHD; (d) and a study on the effects of medication for ADHD on sleep.