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Human Behavior and Evolution Society年次大会 (センター共催)


Human Behavior and Evolution Society
開催日時: 2008.6.4(水)-8(日)
Invited Speakers
Richard D. Alexander
Emeritus Professor & Emeritus Curator of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan
Evolution and Human Society
Plenary Speakers
Tetsuro Matsuzawa
Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
Chimpanzee mind: studies in the field and the laboratory
Carel van Schaik
Director of the Anthropological Institute & Museum, University of Zurich
Alone Among Apes: Cooperative Breeding and Human Cognitive Evolution
Andrew Whiten
Professor of Evolutionary and Developmental Psychology, University of St. Andrews
The Scope of Culture in Chimpanzees, Humans and Ancestral Apes
Wayne Potts
Department of Biology, University of Utah
Mate choice influenced by histocompatibility genes
Nicholas Humphrey
Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science, London School of Economics
The necessity of consciousness: Why human zombies would be an evolutionary dead end
Toshio Yamagishi
Center for the Sociality of Mind, Hokkaido University
Social preference and strategy in in-group love and out-group hatred