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  • 河合教授が米国・Pacifica大学院でのシンポジウムとユング研究所での公開講座に登壇しました



1605kawai_CA.jpg 2016年4月23日、河合俊雄教授が米国・カリフォルニア州サンタバーバラ近郊のPacifica大学院の40周年記念シンポジウムで講演し、翌24日、ロサンゼルスのユング研究所での公開講座で講義をおこないました。

 Pacifica大学院でのシンポジウムは”Climates of Change and the Therapy of Ideas”(気候変動と概念の心理療法)がテーマとなり、河合教授は東日本大震災と日本の自然観をテーマに、”A Traditional View of Nature and its Transformation: Lessons of the 2011 Earthquake in Japan”(伝統的な自然観とその変容:2011年東日本大震災の教え)というタイトルで講演しました。
 また、これに続き、ロサンゼルスのユング研究所において、”Haruki Murakami and the State of Psyche Today”(村上春樹とこころをめぐる昨今の状況)というタイトルにて、3時間にわたる講義をおこないました。
Saturday, April 23, 9:00-10:45 AM / Pacifica Graduate Institute
A Traditional View of Nature and its Transformation: Lessons of the 2011 Earthquake in Japan
Toshio Kawai

Western civilization is characterized by the transformation of nature from being a dominating subject to an object of human study, which lead to the natural sciences. Recent awareness of environmental issues still remains within this framework and impact us globally, nationally, and within the therapy room. In sharp contrast, the pre-modern view of nature is the enduring perspective in Japan in which the transformation of nature has gone through a different process, leading to art and healing techniques. The Japan Earthquake of 2011 caused not only unprecedented human and material losses, but also demanded a reconsideration of our relationship with nature. This catastrophe shook our human centered view of nature and reminded us of the latent, but still exiting, pre-modern view of nature with “nothingness” as basis of being. At the same time it revealed the limitedness of the pre-modern worldview, especially concerning the Fukushima disaster and radiation leakage. Climate change has to do with this last point. In the face of these difficulties Dr. Kawai will show the importance of traditional views of nature in Japan and will suggest the necessity of overcoming or transcending both traditional and scientific view of the nature.
Sunday, April 24, 2016; 10:00AM – 01:00PM / C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles
Haruki Murakami and the State of Psyche Today
Presented by Toshio Kawai, Ph.D.

Haruki Murakami is probably the most popular Japanese novelist whose works are translated into many languages. Deceptively easy to read, they can also be very enigmatic. Kawai, a visiting analyst from Japan, will use Murakami’s novels as a basis for reflecting on the current state of the psyche today, and the kinds of relationships he thinks are possible, both between people, and with the larger transcendent world of the unconscious.