Vinai Norasakkunkit 特別招へい教員が集中講義をおこないます(京都大学の学生・院生対象)
センターに滞在中の Vinai Norasakkunkit 特別招へい教員による集中講義(「英語で学ぶ全学共通科目 “Culture and Mental Health”」/京都大学国際高等教育院)が、2015年8月3日〜12日の日程でおこなわれます。対象学生は京都大学の学生(全回生・院生も可)です。

Culture and Mental Health
Vinai Norasakkunkit
This seminar is an attempt to survey an emerging field called cultural-clinical psychology, in which culture, mind, and brain constitute one another as a multi-level dynamic system. How we experience mental suffering is largely informed by the ideas and meaning systems that are accessible to us within the cultural context in which we live and participate. Cultural ideas can also change due to globalization and impact how mental illness is understood and experienced.
教室:吉田南総合館 共東 42 講義室
Aug 3rd – Aug 12th, 2015
Eligible students: All majors
Grade allotted: All students
Classroom: 42, East Wing, Yoshida-South Campus Academic Center Bldg.