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内田准教授の研究紹介記事が『Kyoto University Research Activities』に掲載されました


140212uchida.png 内田由紀子准教授の研究紹介記事が、京都大学学術研究支援室の発行する『Kyoto University Research Activities Vol.3 No.3』に掲載されました。
 『Kyoto University Research Activities』は、京都大学のすべての分野から優れた研究を紹介する外国人向け研究紹介冊子です。内田准教授の記事は、先端の研究者を紹介する「Research Frontiers」のコーナーで、幸福感研究の実績と今後の展望などが図表や顔写真と共に紹介されています。

” Culture and Happiness Balance-Oriented Happiness in Japan.” Dr. Yukiko Uchida Associate Professor, Kokoro Research Center
Dr. Uchida, a cultural psychologist, has been engaging in empirical research on happiness, the meaning of which differs across cultures. She was a member of the Commission on Well-Being Studies of the Japanese government. It has been pointed out that Japanese score of happiness is lower than other industrialized countries, but Dr. Uchida found that the meaning of happiness in Japan has “yin and yang”–thus for example, their ideal level of happiness is as a 7 on a 10-point scale. Unlike European-American cultures, happiness in Japan is evaluated by taking into account the ups and downs of life as a whole, and by “balancing” social relationships and harmony.

『Kyoto University Research Activities Vol.3 No.3』|京都大学学術研究支援室
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