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  • 内田由紀子教授とIgor de Almeida講師が分担執筆した英文書籍が刊行されました

内田由紀子教授とIgor de Almeida講師が分担執筆した英文書籍が刊行されました


内田由紀子教授とIgor de Almeida講師が、当研究院を訪問滞在したアムステル大学教員のMichael Boiger氏と共著で分担執筆した書籍「Emotion Theory: The Routledge Comprehensive Guide Volume II: Theories of Specific Emotions and Major Theoretical Challenges (Edited by Andrea Scarantino)」が刊行されました。

執筆担当箇所は「Amae, Saudade, and Schadenfreude」で、文化に特有な感情傾向についての研究について述べています。


Yukiko Uchida and Igor de Almeida have co-authored a book with Dr. Michael Boiger (University of Amsterdam) who visited and stayed at our research institute. The book, titled Emotion Theory: The Routledge Comprehensive Guide Volume II: Theories of Specific Emotions and Major Theoretical Challenges (Edited by Andrea Scarantino), has been published.

Their contribution focuses on the section “Amae, Saudade, and Schadenfreude,” which discusses studies on culturally specific emotion.
