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  • 【オンライン開催】人文社会科学・文理融合的研究プロジェクトキックオフシンポジウム「人・社会・地球のウェルビーイング」International Symposium for the Kokoro Research Center Interdisciplinary Research Project “Pursuing Well-Being in Cultural Context: Humans, Societies, and the Environment in a Globalizing World”

【オンライン開催】人文社会科学・文理融合的研究プロジェクトキックオフシンポジウム「人・社会・地球のウェルビーイング」International Symposium for the Kokoro Research Center Interdisciplinary Research Project “Pursuing Well-Being in Cultural Context: Humans, Societies, and the Environment in a Globalizing World”


International Symposium for the Kokoro Research Center Interdisciplinary Research Project
Pursuing Well-Being in Cultural Context: Humans, Societies, and the Environment in a Globalizing World


Today’s global society is facing a variety of challenges such as the psychological divide between ethnic/gender groups and people with different political attitudes, a lack of balance between the global environment and human behavior, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Facing these issues, the need for interdisciplinary collaborations examining topics ranging from the human mind to the natural environment has increased.

This symposium is being held to commemorate the launch of an international collaborative research platform by the Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto University, based on the university’s mission of presenting knowledge in the humanities and social sciences internationally and promoting interdisciplinary research activities based on this. We will elucidate matters relating to the mind, society, and the global environment from a global perspective incorporating the East and the West.


▽ 日 時:2021年12月5日(日) 9:30~13:10
▽ 開催方法:オンライン開催
▽ 使用言語:英語(当日の配信の際には、日本語通訳のご用意はありません。)

▽ 対象:どなたでも参加いただけます
▽ 定 員:500名(事前申込制・先着順)
▽ 参加費:無料



9:30-9:40           Opening Remarks
                                  Toshio Kawai (Director, Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto University)

9:40-10:20         Lecture 1 “Well-Being in Interdependent Context: Conceptualization and Social Implications from Cultural Psychology”
                                  Yukiko Uchida (Professor, Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto University)

10:20-11:00       Lecture 2 “A Society’s Well-Being Depends on Norms and Their Enforcement”
                                  Bertram F. Malle (Professor, Department of Cognitive, Linguistic, and Psychological Sciences, Brown University) 

11:00-11:10        Break 1

11:10-11:50        Lecture 3 “Similarities and Differences in the Vulnerability and Resilience to Environmental Changes between Coral Reef Ecosystems and Human Societies”
                                  Tsuyoshi Watanabe (Lecturer, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University)

11:50-12:00        Break 2

12:00-13:00       Panel Discussion
                                  Yukiko Uchida, Bertram F. Malle, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Toshio Kawai

13:00-13:10        Closing Remarks
                                   Yoshinori Hiroi (Professor, Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto University)


下記のお申込み先URL からご登録いただいた方に、Zoom 参加のURL をお送りいたします。

お申込受付期間:2021年12月2日(木)17:00 迄 (申し込みによる先着順)


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●インターネット回線を利用した通信のためインターネット接続料が発生します。Wi-Fi 環境以外での参加にあたっては、通信料にご注意ください。
●申し込みにあたっては、事前に http://zoom.us/test からZoomへの接続性を確認するテストをお勧めします。


京都大学こころの未来研究センター リエゾンオフィス(平日9:00 ~17:00)
