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  • 第2回京都こころ会議国際シンポジウム「こころと限界状況」 The Second Kyoto Kokoro Initiative International Symposium “Kokoro and Limit Situations”

第2回京都こころ会議国際シンポジウム「こころと限界状況」 The Second Kyoto Kokoro Initiative International Symposium “Kokoro and Limit Situations”


The Second Kyoto Kokoto Initiative International Symposium “Kokoro and Limit Situations”

Launched in April 2015, the Kyoto Kokoro Initiative aims to explore our kokoro- our mind, spirit or heart in Japanese-, which has been compelled to change by scientific and technological advances and the globalization of the economy. Considering the broad and profound nuances of the Japanese word kokoro, we, at the Kyoto Kokoro Initiative, would like to propose a new perspective for our mind and spirit toward the global community. This year, we chose ≪Kokoro and Limit Situations≫ as our theme, based on the idea that our mind cannot be fully explored in normal and daily circumstances, but only shows its true nature when facing extreme situations. We hope this symposium will bring new insight into the COVID-19 pandemic, an actual case of a limit situation.

▽ 日 時:2021年10月17日(日) 13:30~17:40(13:00~受付開始)
▽ 場 所:京都大学 百周年時計台記念館 百周年記念ホール (京都市左京区吉田本町)

▽ 対 象:研究者、大学生
▽ 使用言語:英語(日本語通訳なし)

▽ 定 員:250名(事前申込制・先着順)
▽ 参加費:無料

13:30~13:40 Opening Remarks
        Toshio Kawai (Director, Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto University)
13:40~14:30 Lecture 1 “The Travelling Homeland: How Disaster-Induced Collective Insight Had Rescued Jewish Cultural Memory from Death 2000 Years Ago”
        Yadin Dudai (Professor, Weizmann Institute of Science / Global Professor of Natural Science, New York University)
14:30~15:20 Lecture 2 “Stories of Intergenerational Trauma and Hope: Nuclear Development and Indigenous Peoples in the United States”
        Noriko Ishiyama (Professor, School of Political Science and Economics, Meiji University)
15:20~15:40 Break
15:40~16:30 Lecture 3 “Not Everything Is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): On the Cultural Limits of a Diagnostic Concept and New Approaches”
        Andreas Maercker (Professor and Chair, Department of Psychology, University of Zurich)
16:30~17:30 Panel Discussion
        Yadin Dudai, Noriko Ishiyama, Andreas Maercker, Toshio Kawai
17:30~17:40 Closing Remarks
        Norihiro Tokitoh (Executive Vice-President for Research, Evaluation, and Industry-Government-Academia Collaboration, Kyoto University)

※感染状況を鑑み、来日予定であったYadin Dudai教授とAndreas Maercker教授による講演および総合討論は、会場とのオンライン中継にて行われることとなりました。


お申込受付期間:2021年10月10日(日)迄 (申し込みによる先着順)

京都大学こころの未来研究センター リエゾンオフィス(平日9:00 ~17:00)
後援:公益財団法人 稲盛財団
