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  • 第19回ヒマラヤ宗教研究会 国際レクチャー(The Nature and Role of Consciousness in the Tibetan Great Perfection (Dzogchen) Philosophy)を開催します

第19回ヒマラヤ宗教研究会 国際レクチャー(The Nature and Role of Consciousness in the Tibetan Great Perfection (Dzogchen) Philosophy)を開催します


こころの未来研究センター上廣倫理財団寄付研究部門ブータン学研究室では、公開型研究会「京都大学ヒマラヤ宗教研究会」を定期開催しています。今回は、「The Nature and Role of Consciousness in the Tibetan Great Perfection (Dzogchen) Philosophy」という題目にて、David Higgins博士(国際仏教学大学院・客員研究員)に、チベット密教ゾクチェン哲学における本質と意識の役割についてご講演頂きます。



▽場所:京都大学稲盛財団記念館3階 中会議室

    京都市左京区吉田下阿達町46(川端近衛南東角) http://kokoro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/access/#honkan






主催:京都大学こころの未来研究センター 上廣倫理財団寄付研究部門 ブータン学研究室



This lecture will focus on the nature and role of consciousness in the philosophy of the Great Perfection (Dzogchen) tradition of the Ancient (Nyingma) school of Tibetan Buddhism. The Dzogchen philosophy of mind rests on a principal distinction between dualistic mind (sems) and primordial awareness (ye shes) which the tradition has deemed indispensable for understanding its distinctive views and practices. After considering how some of the tradition’s leading scholars characterized mind and primordial awareness in relation to Chinese and Indian Buddhist traditions during the post-Imperium Era of Fragmentation (9th–10th centuries), we will look at how it came to be regarded as a defining element of Dzogchen thought and practice. To this end, we will look at some of the key philosophical arguments that were used to justify the distinction in the classical period (12th to 14th centuries). The lecture concludes with an exploration of how the distinction was used in Dzogchen path hermeneutics to reconcile traditional gradualist and non-gradualist models of the Buddhist path and briefly considers some of its implications for contemporary studies of consciousness.









E-mail: kokoro-bh*mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp(*を@に変えてください)
