


開催場所:京都大学総合人間学部棟 1102講義室
講演者: Adam Gazzaley, MD, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Neurology, Physiology, and Psychiatry
Director of Neuroscience Imaging Center,
University of California, San Francisco
Neural networks underlying top-down modulation of visual processing.
Top-down modulation is a bi-directional process that underlies our ability to focus our attention on task-relevant stimuli and ignore irrelevant distractions by differentially enhancing or suppressing neural activity in sensory cortical regions. It is believed that this modulation is not an intrinsic property of visual cortices, but is achieved via functional connectivity between sensory brain regions and a distributed network of frontal and parietal regions. I will present new data from our lab that reveals differential entrainment of stimulus-selective, visual association cortical areas with regions of the “frontal-parietal attention network” or the “default network” depending on the participant’s goals. Additionally, there is sparse evidence in humans that a direct causal connection exists between prefrontal control regions and visual cortical activity modulation. Using a multi-modal approach that couples fMRI, rTMS and EEG, I will present evidence for a direct role of the inferior frontal junction (IJF) in top-down modulation of feature processing and its influence on subsequent working memory.