
こころの未来講演会 Daeyeol Lee 准教授


   ”Single neurons and decision making in the primate brain”
   Dr. Daeyeol Lee
   Associate Professor
   Department of Neurobiology, YaleUniversity School of Medicine
Lee 准教授は経済学分野から神経科学に転出した人で、意思決定や刺激選択に関する神経機構に関する研究を精力的に行っています。実験解析にも、理論やモデルにも精通し、今までたびたび来日しています。
We investigated the nature of information coding in the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia of monkeys during inter-temporal choice and computer simulated competitive games. During inter-temporal choice task, monkeys discounted the value of reward according to a hyperbolic function of its delay, and the information about the reward magnitude and delay is transformed in to temporally discounted values in the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia. During a biased matching pennies and rock-paper -scissors, many neurons in the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia also encoded the signals related to gains and losses resu lting from the animal’s choices. These results suggest that the primate corticostriatal network plays a key role in evaluat ing decision outcomes and updating the animal’s decision-making strategies.
開催日時:2009年7月31日(金) 16:30-18:00
場所:京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科棟 地下講義室B32
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