吉岡教授が第20回国際美学会議(20th International Congress of Aesthetics)に登壇します
吉岡洋教授が、韓国のソウル大学で開催される第20回国際美学会議(20th International Congress of Aesthetics, July 24 – 29, 2016)に登壇します。
大会テーマは「美学とマスカルチャー “Aesthetics and Mass Culture”」です。吉岡教授は本国際学会の副事務局長を務めており、大会では個人研究発表と、2つのパネルディスカッションに登壇します。登壇スケジュールは次の通りです。

“Aesthetics and Mass Culture”
24-29 July 2016 (Sunday-Friday)
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
○July 26 Tue 11:00 ~ 12:20
Session【GS-13】Topic1(Mass Art) Moderator: Hanseung Kim
Speaker: Kirwan, James “The Aesthetics Of Art And Mass Culture: Does Art Have Any Aesthetic Value?”
Fang, Duan Ji “Surpassing Modernity:Aesthetic Issues At The Era Of Aesthetic Capitalism”
Yoshioka, Hiroshi “Aesthetics Of The Incomprehensible: A Reflection On The “Mass” In Culture”
○July 26 Tue 15:00 ~ 16:20
Session【RT-6】The Transformative Aesthetics of New Media Arts Moderator: Jos de Mul
Speaker: Yoshioka,Hiroshi “Aesthetics of New Media Arts in East Asia”
Lee, Zune “New Relationships between Human and Non-Human in the Digital Arts”
DeMul,Jos “The Modular Body. New media deconstruction of the Opposition of Art and Science”
○July 28 Thu 11:00 ~ 12:20
Session【RT-14】Emergence of Artistic Creations in Everyday Life Moderator: Hiroshi Yoshioka
Speaker: Yoshioka,Hiroshi “Implosion of Mass Culture? :the disappearance of borders and the formation of new tribes.”
Miki, Okubo (participate as commentator)
Seo, Hyojeong “Possible participation and interaction with the public for the future of media art.”