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  • 熊谷准教授がベルゲン大で研究集会「Buddhism, culture and society in Bhutan」を開催しました

熊谷准教授がベルゲン大で研究集会「Buddhism, culture and society in Bhutan」を開催しました


熊谷誠慈准教授が、2016年6月19日から25日にかけてノルウェー・ベルゲン大学で開催された第14回国際チベット学会に参加しました。6月22日には、熊谷准教授主催の研究部会「Buddhism, culture and society in Bhutan」がおこなわれ、各国の研究者らがブータンの社会、文化に関する研究発表と討論をおこないました。
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Panel7 – Buddhism, culture and society in Bhutan
Wed 22 June (Auditorium Q)
Convener: Seji Kumagai

9.00-9.15: Opening of panel.
9.15-9.45: Seiji Kumagai: A study through biographies and chronicles on Tsangpa Gyare (1161-1211), the founder of the Drukpa Kagyu School.
9.45-10.15: Felicity Shaw: The National Library and Archives of Bhutan: from literary repository to guardian of collective memory.
10.15-10.45: Brian Shaw: Becoming a modern Bhutanese: the continuing development of civil society and social media in a time of change 1972-2015.
10.45-11.15: Tea and coffee break.
11.15-11.45: Johanna Prien: Ritual paraphernalia used by pawo and neyjorma spirit mediums in rural Western Bhutan.
11.45-12.15: Per Sørensen and Hou Haoran: Transnational kinship network: history of the ruling rGya family at the Ra-lung seat between the 15th and 16th centuries.
12.15-12.45: Dagmar Schwerk: Tracing the life and intellectual agenda of a 20th century Bhutanese scholar and yogin, the Sixty-Ninth rJe mKhan-po dGe-‘dun-rin-chen (1926-1997).
12.45-13.45: LUNCH
13.45-14.15: Lungtaen Gyatso: Holistic education: redefining the purpose of education in the Royal University of Bhutan.
14.15-14.45: Tashi Tshering: The Tashigomang: portable shrines of Bhutan.
14.45-15.15: Françoise Pommaret: The Bumthang web: migrations, alliances, economy and religion.
15.15-15.45: Tea and Coffee break.
15.45-16.15: Akiko Ueda: Symbolic, monetary and nutritional values of rice: “food security” re-examined in Bhutan’s rural context.
16.15-16.45: Akinori Yasuda: Some remarks on the lTa ba klong yangs discovered by Dorje Lingpa.