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畑中助教の研究紹介記事が『Kyoto University Research Activities』に掲載されました


IMG_3471.jpg 京都大学の外国向け研究紹介冊子『Kyoto University Research Activities』(Vol.4 No.1 June 2014)に、畑中千紘助教(上廣こころ学研究部門)の研究紹介記事が、顔写真と共に掲載されました。女性研究者を特集した今号の「Cutting-Edge Research in Kyoto University」というコーナーにて、畑中助教は専門とする臨床心理学の研究において、災害のただ中と災害後における人々のこころの問題の表出と、それに向き合う心理学者の奮闘について英語で紹介しています。

” Do we need psychological problems? – Researching kokoro from the perspective of clinical psychology. ” Chihiro Hatanaka, PhD / Uehiro Assistant Professor, Kokoro Research Center
During times of great disaster, the human psyche exhibits no psychological symptoms. The reality of the danger does not allow space for inner conflict. After the disaster, however, many psychological symptoms emerge. We found such phenomena in the care work for the Great East Japan earthquake. Even when peace is attained in the outer world, we need some inner struggles to work itself. Clinical psychologists research into the psychological problems and their transformation through the psychotherapy, which shows us the resilience and potential of our psyche.
